5 Reasons to Stay Hydrated

Jun 01, 2020
We’ve all heard it before — staying hydrated is very important. Your body utilizes water in all of its cells, organs, and tissues to not only help regulate its temperature but maintain other bodily functions. Due to the fact that your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate throughout the day by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. 

If that isn’t enough to convince you to drink the commonly recommended amount of eight 8-ounce glasses, read on to find additional benefits of staying hydrated.

5 Reasons To Stay Hydrated

  1. Protects your spinal cord, tissues, and joints. Beyond quenching your thirst and regulating your body temperature, water helps to keep the tissues in your body moist. It can be an uncomfortable feeling when your nose, eyes, or mouth gets dry. Staying hydrated helps your body to retain optimal levels of moisture in sensitive areas, such as your nose and eyes, as well as in the blood, brain, and bones. Additionally, water helps to protect the spinal cord, as it acts as a lubricant and cushion for your joints.
  2. Water aids in digestion. The basis of saliva is water, and that is what digestion starts with. When your body begins digestion, your body relies on enzymes that are found in saliva to help break down food, liquid and to dissolve minerals as well as other nutrients. Proper digestion makes minerals and nutrients more readily available to the body. Water is also essential when it comes to digesting soluble fiber. When your body receives the proper amount of water, this fiber dissolves easily and aids in good bowel health by making soft stools that are easy to pass.
  3. Water regulates body temperature. Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining your body temperature. Your body loses water through sweat when participating in physical activity, as well as in hot environments. The sweat that your body produces helps to keep your body cool, however, your body temperature will rise to unhealthy levels if you do not replenish the water you lose throughout the day. This is because your body loses electrolytes and plasma when it becomes dehydrated. If you find yourself sweating more than usual, be sure to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Some symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, lack of energy, confusion, rapid heartbeat, and even fainting.
  4. It helps to excrete waste. Your body also utilizes water to sweat, urinate, and have bowel movements. Sweat regulates body temperature and helps to keep you cool when you are exercising or spend time in hot temperatures. Again, replenishing fluids lost from sweat is very important. You also need a sufficient amount of water in your system to pass healthy stool and prevent constipation, which can be very uncomfortable and even painful. Your kidneys filter out any wastes through urination. Sufficient water intake helps your kidneys work more efficiently, and prevent kidney stones. 
  5. Improves physical performance. Athletes can perspire up to ten percent of their body weight when participating in physical activity. This is why drinking plenty of water during physical activity is essential, as hydration affects your strength, power, and endurance. Staying hydrated also improves blood flow and circulation within your body and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to hardworking muscles. Proper hydration also helps to remove waste from muscles, all while replacing the water that is lost through sweat from exertion. 

3 Easy Tips To Make Sure You Stay Hydrated

  • Keep track of your intake. Keeping track of your intake throughout the day will prevent any confusion.
  • Set reminders. Setting reminders on your phone or any device throughout the day can be very helpful, especially if you are someone who can be forgetful.
  • Carry a water bottle with you at all times. If you have a water bottle handy at all times, you will be prepared whenever thirst strikes.

The Takeaway

Drinking a sufficient amount of what is crucial as it is important to just about every part of your body. Achieving your daily recommended intake consistently will not only help you maintain your current state of being, but it can also greatly improve your overall health.

Contact us today! Family Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being. Which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small. 
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