8 Reasons To See Your Chiropractor This Holiday Season

Dec 10, 2019
The holidays are quickly approaching and unfortunately, it can be a very stressful time for many people. While there is much to be grateful for, it is also easy to get sidetracked with the hustle and bustle that the holidays bring and forget to take care of your own health.

Putting others first on occasion can be beneficial, but when it is constant, the toll on your body can be vast. However, there are some easy ways to stay healthy during the holiday season.

8 Reasons To See Your Chiropractor This Holiday Season
  1. Travel. The holidays are a very busy time to travel, providing the perfect circumstances for your body to feel the change in routine. Long hours traveling in a car, tension from weather conditions, long lines at the airports, sleeping in a different bed and carrying heavy bags are just some of the reasons your body may be hurting. Seeking chiropractic care before and after holiday travel will go a long way to assist you in feeling better this season.
  2. Cold And Flu Season. Not only is the holiday season unusually busy, but it is also the season for the sniffles and chills. Being indoors for longer periods of time, having decreased vitamin D levels, enduring more stress than usual, and struggling with weaker immune systems can all impact our health. Getting Chiropractic adjustments regularly can balance the nervous system, boost the immune system, promote lymph drainage, and helps eliminate and excrete toxins that can make us unhealthy.
  3. Seasonal Sadness And Depression. With the hours of sunlight much shorter, it is common for vitamin D levels to decrease during this time of year. Coupled with the stress of the holidays, it is easy to see why so many people get depressed in the winter. Chiropractic Care has a positive impact on the nervous system. Chiropractic Care helps us stay in balance, keeps all of our systems functioning properly and free from pain, and can be enough of a boost for many to prevent depression.
  4. Changes In Digestion. During the holiday season, we often tend to change our eating habits. We eat more,  it’s not as fresh, we consume fewer fruits and vegetables, our meals contain more starches & sugars, and less fiber. This can affect our digestion in many ways, causing us to feel constipated, bloated, gassy, or have heartburn. Chiropractic has an impact on our digestion as it affects the nervous system, and this controls the nerves that go to our stomach and intestines. If this communication is disrupted it can cause our digestion can slow down.  Chiropractic adjustments can get your bowels running smoothly again and help keep you regular throughout the winter.
  5. Stress. Everyone knows the holidays can be stressful and has a different reason for feeling that way. Dealing with family members, mediating family issues, financial stress, planning holiday meals or travel expenses and frustrations all can be culprits. Perhaps it is the first holiday after losing a loved one. Unfortunately, your body deals with this stress by tensing up, headaches, neck pain, low back pain, jaw pain, stomach aches, etc.  Chiropractic is powerful and is essential to dealing with the negative effects of stress on the body. A chiropractic adjustment can relieve you of discomfort and have you back to your holiday plans in no time!
  6. Headaches. This time of year can very easily increase stress and tension levels in the body. With this, cold weather and a plethora of other triggers such as an increase in alcohol content, a decrease in water consumption as well as many food triggers can, unfortunately, cause headaches for many people. Chiropractic care can help with tension, stress and keeping your body running at its optimal level. 
  7. Overexertion. So many people injure themselves every year from using improper form while shoveling heavy wet snow. It is important to have an ergonomic shovel that is the correct length for your height. Use proper form, and if you are not healthy enough to do the work, ask someone else to do it for you. Over-doing it while shopping, carrying bags and boxes that are too heavy, walking and standing on hard floors for hours can cause the body to hurt. Routine Chiropractic care throughout the season will ensure your body stays prepared for all it has to do without missing great sales along the way!
  8. Need An Increase In Energy. Simply put, the holidays require a lot of energy. Cleaning, cooking, shopping, wrapping and socializing all result in having a body that needs extra care in order to keep up. Chiropractic care can keep your spine aligned. Energy flows from your brain and through the nervous system to make sure every organ, muscle, joint and tissue in your body function the way it is supposed to. When your body is properly aligned, the flow of all this energy through your body is properly balanced.
Other Tips For Staying Healthy This Holiday Season
  • Moderation! Of course, you should enjoy yourself, but don't overdo it or your health will suffer. Try to keep moderation of food and drink while you enjoy the season and don't forget to eat healthy foods as well.
  • Hydration! It is easy to forget how essential staying hydrated can really be. Water helps to flush out toxins, aids in better sleep, digestion, clearer skin, and more. Try to keep a water bottle with you wherever you go and drink up.
  • Wash your hands! Everyone says this time of year is the "flu season" but we typically are more susceptible to getting sick when we're dehydrated, have a lack of regular sunshine and forget to wash our hands often enough, which can help avoid spreading germs.
  • Sleep! As we have discussed, the holiday season is a very busy time and its easy to be overwhelmed and push proper rest to the sidelines. Your head may be spinning but if you don't get enough rest, your body will not get the proper time it needs to repair and recuperate. Sleep is a precious commodity, so turn off your cell phones, computers and TVs, and get some much-needed sleep.
The Takeaway

The holiday season can be a very stressful time for many. While there is so much to be grateful for and is the perfect time to spend with family and friends, it is also easy to get wrapped up in everything and forget to take care of your own health.

Chiropractic Care is NOT just for pain, it helps to keep your body moving and functioning well, and most importantly it boosts your immune system naturally by making sure all the systems in your body are communicating and functioning properly. Enjoy this holiday season knowing you now have the simple tools to stay healthy!

Contact us today! Family Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being. Which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small. 

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