How to deal with Herniated Disc

Aug 26, 2020
A herniated disc is an unexceptional condition that could happen all-over within the spine, but mainly affects the neck or lower back. A herniated disc, also known as a ruptured disc or slipped disk, occurs when one of the cushion-like pads between the vertebrae dislocates and presses on adjoining nerves. It is usually caused by overuse or trauma-related injuries to the spine. However, the normal aging process can also cause the disc to deteriorate. As well as, there is a genetic factor that can lead to disc degeneration. In most cases, the herniated disc in the lower spine heals within six months, as the resorption causes the disc to shrink over time. Surgery may be required when physical therapy, medications, and other treatments fail.

 A What causes a herniated disc?

The spinal discs slowly lose fluid with age. This process begins around the age of 30 and progresses with time. As the discs dry out, microscopic tears or cracks could form on the outer side, making them weak, brittle, and more prone to injury. The utmost causes of the herniated disk are: 

  • Wear & tear: The discs dry out and are no longer as flexible as before.
  • Obesity: Being overweight can put undue stress on the spine.
  • Genetics: Some genes are frequent in people with disc degeneration.
  • Injury: Severe trauma can cause the herniated disc to tear, swell, or rupture.
  • Incorrect lifting: Do not lift with the waist bent. Proper Lifting requires lifting by using both legs, keeping your spine straight.
  • Repetitive movements: Lifestyle, work, and some physical activities put extra pressure on your spine (especially on the lower back), further weakening the area that is already at risk.

What are the symptoms of a herniated disc?

The pain from a herniated disc can differ depending on the severity and location of the injury. It is usually felt on one side of the body. A herniated disc could be present with many symptoms, including:

  • Mild to severe pain
  • Numbness, burning and tingling
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Muscle weakness; cramps; change in reflexes

How is a herniated disc diagnosed?

Physical examination and medical history can diagnose a herniated disc. It is more likely to occur when lower back pain is associated with leg pain radiating into the nerve root distribution with a positive straight leg elevation test (i.e., lifting the leg while lying down causes radiating leg pain) and other neurological defects such as weakness, numbness, and reflex changes.

A suspected herniated disc is usually confirmed with imaging tests, which your doctor can use to examine the spine’s muscles and bones and identify affected areas. Examples of image scans are:

  • CT scan
  • X-ray
  • Discograms
  • MRI examination

How is it treated?

The symptoms of a herniated disc usually improve within a few weeks or months. To help you recover:

  1. Rest when feeling severe pain: Otherwise, stay active. Staying in bed for more than a day or two can weaken your muscles and aggravate your problem. Walking and some light activities can help.
  2. Try a heating pad: Applying heat or cold therapy on the lower back can relieve muscle stress common with a herniated disc. The heat helps in releasing muscle tension that trigger cramps, increases blood flow, and strengthens connective tissue elasticity. The cold reduces f the local tissues’ temperature, which has an anti-inflammatory and numbing effect, thereby diminishing pain.
  3. Certain sleeping positions alleviate herniated discs: The pain of a herniated disc may worsen at night. You can find that a comfortable sleep can reduce the pressure on your spine. Some good options are; Use pillows under the knees to reduce tension in the lower back; Lie on a pillow between your knees to keep your hips balanced and spine straight.
  4. Physical therapy: Certain exercises could help recover symptoms of a herniated disc. A physical therapist can teach you how to strengthen the muscles that support your back. Physiotherapy also includes aerobic exercises such as walking or cycling, stretching workouts to maintain muscle flexibility, ice and heat, massage, ultrasound therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation.
  5. Doing exercises: Exercise is an effective approach to stabilize and strengthen the muscles in the lower back and avoid further pain and injuries. Strong muscles support your bones and body weight and reduce extra stress from your spine. Simple aerobic and stretching exercises could effectually control a herniated disc problem. Do the exercises suggested by the physical therapist or your doctor. 
  6. Moderate aerobic activities: Walking, swimming, and cycling also reduces pain. Some aerobic activities may be more suitable for your specific situation. Discuss with your doctor which exercises will be best for you.
  7. Ask your doctor about medications: Medications don’t cure a herniated disc, but it can relieve pain and swelling.

A herniated disc usually heals on its own with time. Be patient and continue to follow your treatment plan. If your symptoms do not improve within a few months, discuss with your doctor about surgery. 

Can a herniated disc be prevented?

After a back injury, back problems are likely to occur in the future. To maintain a healthy back:

  1. Maintain a good posture: When standing or walking, keep your shoulders back and forth, tilt your chin back, and your abdomen in. This supports your lower back.
  2. Protect your spine when lifting: Lift with your both legs instead of your back. Do not bend forward at the back when lifting. Squat down and bend your knees.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight: This can reduce the stress on your lower back.
  4. Exercise regularly: This will strengthen your back muscles and preclude further injuries.
  5. Avoid smoking: Smoking intensify the risk of a disc injury.

The Takeaway

When buying a new backpack for a child or yourself, worry less about what is fashionable and more about what will prevent any injury and pain. Avoid buying a one-shoulder backpack, instead consider buying a two shoulder backpack with padded straps. Be sure to wear both straps, having a backpack sagging off of one shoulder isn’t as cool as people make it out to be. Always remember to position it correctly and take caution when putting it on as well as taking it off!

Contact us today! Family Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being. Which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small. 

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