The difference between a massage and a chiropractic adjustment

Apr 13, 2022

Many people do not know the difference between a massage and a chiropractic adjustment. The difference is quite simple. A chiropractic adjustment is a correction it is not a manipulation. A massage is manipulation it is not a correction. Let’s dive into both of them in detail.

A chiropractic adjustment is a correction it is not a manipulation

Chiropractic adjustments correct misalignments of the spine

A chiropractic adjustment corrects a misalignment of the spine which is called a subluxation.  A subluxation is a misalignment of the vertebrae which compresses the nerves which pass through the spinal column.  This compression of the nerves has many negative effects on the body.  The chiropractor will adjust the spine to correct the misalignment and restore the normal function of the nerves.

Chiropractic adjustments reduce inflammation and in many cases eliminate it

Adjusting the spine reduces inflammation and in many cases eliminates it.  When a vertebrae is out of alignment it compresses the nerves which pass through the spinal column.  This compression of the nerves causes inflammation to occur and the inflammation reduces the function of the nerves.  Adjusting the spine will restore the normal function of the nerves and the inflammation will go away.

Chiropractic adjustments improve the body's ability to heal itself

Adjusting the spine improves the body's ability to heal itself.  When the spine is out of alignment it compresses the nerves which pass through the spinal column.  This compression of the nerves reduces the function of the nerves which also reduces the function of the organs and tissues which the nerves supply.  Adjusting the spine restores the normal function of the nerves and the organs and tissues they supply.  This improvement in the function of the nerves and the organs and tissues they supply will improve the body's ability to heal itself.

A massage is manipulation it is not a correction

Massage manipulates the muscle fibers and the soft tissues

A massage manipulates the muscle fibers and the soft tissues.  The muscles of the body are composed of muscle fibers which are bundled together to form muscle bundles.  A massage manipulates the muscle bundles to reduce their size and increase the space between the muscle bundles.  This manipulation of the muscle bundles reduces the pressure and friction on the nerves which pass through the muscles.  This reduction in pressure and friction on the nerves releases the tension in the muscles which improves the function of the nerves and the muscles they supply.

Massage improves blood circulation

Massage improves blood circulation.  The blood is the fluid which carries oxygen and nutrition to the body's cells and removes the waste products from the body's cells.  The blood is pumped through the body by the heart.  The blood is carried through the arteries, capillaries and veins.  The pressure of the blood in the arteries pushes the blood through the capillaries.  The capillaries have very thin walls and the pressure of the blood in the arteries forces the blood out of the arteries and into the body's cells.  The pressure of the blood in the arteries is maintained by the heart.  When the heart beats the blood is pushed into the arteries and when the heart relaxes the blood is forced out of the arteries into the capillaries.  Massaging the muscles increases the size of the muscles which increases the pressure in the muscles.  This increase in pressure in the muscles increases the pressure in the arteries which increases the flow of blood.  This increase in the flow of blood increases the supply of oxygen and nutrition to the body's cells and increases the amount of waste products which are removed from the body's cells.

Massage increases the flow of lymphatic fluid

Lymphatic fluid transports waste products from the body's cells.  The lymphatic system is a network of lymphatic vessels which are similar to the blood vessels of the circulatory system.  The lymphatic system collects the waste products from the body's cells and transports them to the lymph nodes.  The lymphatic fluid flows through the lymphatic vessels because of the contraction and relaxation of the muscles.  Massaging the muscles increases the blood flow through the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.  This increase in blood flow through the lymphatic vessels increases the flow of lymphatic fluid.  This increase in the flow of lymphatic fluid increases the removal of waste products from the body's cells.


This article explains the differences between a massage and a chiropractic adjustment.  A chiropractic adjustment is a correction which restores the normal function of the nerves, organs and tissues.  A massage is a manipulation which improves blood circulation and the removal of waste products from the cells.  Both a massage and a chiropractic adjustment can do a lot of good for the body.

If you don’t have an amazing chiropractor Contact us today! Family Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being, which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of
optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small.

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