What are some of the side effects of not seeing a chiropractor regularly

Nov 03, 2021

What are some of the side effects of not seeing a chiropractor regularly?

It's a myth that only people with back pain have to see a chiropractor. In fact, research shows that the human spine is under constant pressure from gravity and other forces because of our sitting or standing positions, as well as from activities such as lifting objects or running. This stress can lead to misalignments in the bones of the spine which might not cause pain unless they become acute, at which point you could experience severe low back pain or leg pain. By seeing your chiropractor regularly for adjustments and treatments, you can take care of these problems before they escalate into more serious consequences, like disc herniations and spinal stenosis.

Some of the side effects of not seeing a chiropractor regularly are:

1. Slowed down recovery time:

The body heals and repair itself, but this process can be sped up or slowed down based on how we treat our bodies. For example, when an injured person rests rather than uses his limbs regularly, the muscles associated with those limbs will begin deteriorating at a faster rate. Chiropractors' goal is to help you keep your spine in the best shape possible so that your body can heal itself more quickly if it sustains an injury, and to ensure a full life filled with activities you enjoy.

2. Posture problems:

Many people have developed bad posture, either by slouching or by working in front of a computer for hours. The neck and upper back muscles can become increasingly tense when you don't get enough circulation in the area, which could lead to excessive muscle strain. By seeing your chiropractor regularly, you can make sure that doesn't happen and can get exercises and stretches to help improve your posture and increase your range of motion.

3. Increased pain levels:

Determining the root causes of pain is very important. If you're in pain, it means that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. If you don't see a chiropractor, you could end up with numbness and tingling sensations in your extremities. You may also experience muscle spasms, burning sensations, and joint stiffness. It could also mean that the biological processes in your body are being disrupted. This could lead to everything from decreased immune system function, to increased heart rate and blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and more. By seeing your chiropractor, you can address pain and prevent it from getting out of control.

4. More frequent injuries:

When your back or joints are misaligned, you won't be able to move as well and this could lead to more frequent injuries. For example, if your hips are out of sync, you could feel pain in the lower back or even in the knees when walking or running.

5. Limited range of motion in the neck and back:

Just like with posture, you can prevent a lot of problems by seeing your chiropractor regularly. When you don't have the proper range of motion in your neck or back, it means that your joints are stiff and you aren't moving properly. This could lead to pain in the neck, upper back, mid-back, lower back, shoulders, etc. and if it's not treated, your body could become accustomed to the limited range of motion and may lose more mobility.

6. Decreased energy levels:

Another side effect of not seeing a chiropractor is, decreased energy levels throughout the day. You may feel tired all the time because you're not getting enough nutrients from food or your sleep patterns are being affected by stress and tension. Even if you get an average night's rest, there's no substitute for regular adjustments at the hands of somebody who knows.

The Bottom-Line

If you avoid seeing a chiropractor, you could end up with more serious conditions that will lower the quality of your life. You should definitely see your chiropractor regularly if you want to maintain optimal health and recover more quickly if an injury occurs.

If you don’t have an amazing chiropractor Contact us today! Family Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being, which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of
optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small.

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