5 Tips For Managing Better Sleep During Stressful Times

Apr 29, 2020

Good sleep is more important now than ever, however, getting a good night's sleep can be difficult when you’re stressed out. Even worse, too little sleep at night can make you feel even more stressed, leading to an exhausting and continuous cycle of counting sheep. Here are some helpful tips to help you leave any stress behind before you go to bed.

5 Tips For Managing Better Sleep During Stressful Times
  1. Stick to a regular routine. Whether it’s adults starting to work from home, parents looking after their kids that are now confined to their house, or students doing online school work, everyone is adjusting to a new routine as a result of this pandemic. Although it can be hard to keep a regular routine as you are going through your days in a very different way, it is important to do so in order to get good sleep. For example, if you now work from home, make an effort to get up, and get ready at the same time you normally would. Sticking to a regular schedule, including your sleep schedule, helps to maintain the timing of your body's internal clock which will help you fall asleep and wake up more smoothly. 
  2. Exercise. Walking, jogging, cycling, and bodyweight exercises are all great ways to release any physical or mental tension. When you exercise you will feel more tired towards the end of the day as you have exerted energy, resulting in better sleep. Exercise also can make you feel accomplished, giving you a sense of achievement before you go to bed. However, be cautious when exercising within a few hours of your bedtime as it elevates your body temperature and can interfere with the quality of your sleep.
  3. Reduce blue light exposure before bed. Although electronics and the internet provide connection as well as entertainment during these uncertain times, it is not helpful when you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep. The blue light that’s emitted from the screens of our electronics can delay the release of melatonin, which helps to calm the body before bed. This delay can increase alertness, and ultimately reset your body’s internal clock to a later schedule, leading to sleep deprivation or poor rest. An hour before going to sleep, it is helpful to unplug your devices and replace them with a calming activity that does not interfere with your quality of sleep, such as reading a book.
  4. Be aware of your news intake. The constant flow of COVID-19 updates and information is helpful, but consuming consistent news cycles regarding the pandemic can affect your sleep, and not in a positive way. Hearing about the virus 24/7 on a daily basis can increase your anxiety as it can be upsetting. Anxieties about the unknown we are facing can negatively impact our quality of sleep, especially if you consume news updates regarding it before bed. Limiting or reducing the number of times you check updates, as well as the length of time you spend checking them, can greatly improve your sleep at night.
  5. Relaxation time. Any worries, stress, or anger that you deal during the day can make it almost impossible to fall asleep. The more overstimulation that your brain faces during the day makes it more difficult for it to unwind when it comes time to go to bed. Unplugging your devices and substituting online time with relaxation techniques such as a warm bath or shower, reading, or focusing on your breathing can be very helpful and allow your brain to unwind efficiently. 
The Takeaway

Getting not just enough sleep, but good sleep is incredibly important, especially in uncertain and anxiety-ridden times like this. Creating and sticking to a routine can help bring you a sense of normalcy that can be very comforting. Engaging in exercise often, turning off your devices an hour before bed, and limiting news intake can also prevent any sleeping struggles.

Contact us today! Family Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being. Which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small. 
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