7 Reasons Why Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Important

Jun 01, 2022

Whether you work in trades, office, or in some other environment, having carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) can be a debilitating condition. This is especially true if you’re an athlete who requires mobility and strength to excel in your sport. If you don’t address CTS early, it can lead to lasting damage that may prevent you from resuming your activities. A team of researchers at the University of Michigan discovered that workers with carpal tunnel syndrome have a significant risk for developing persistent nerve damage and long-term disabilities. Even more disconcerting is the likelihood that carpal tunnel syndrome goes undiagnosed because it shares common symptoms with other conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis, and golfer’s elbow. If you are experiencing any of these signs or symptoms of CTS, consult your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to reducing the impact of this condition on your life.

Muscles become weak and atrophied.

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome and fall under the misdiagnosis category, this will negatively impact the strength and tone of your muscles. Your muscles will be weakened because they’re experiencing an interruption in their blood supply. This can lead to atrophy, or the wasting away of muscle tissue. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered that individuals with CTS have reduced muscle strength in their hands compared to people who don’t have the condition. Weakness in your muscles can severely impact your ability to perform tasks throughout your daily life. For example, it can make it more difficult to lift heavy objects or perform strenuous activities such as sports. It’s also important to note that reduced muscle strength can result in pain and discomfort. That’s why individuals with CTS often experience aching sensations in the hands, fingers, and wrists. If you are experiencing pain in your hands, you should consult with a hand therapist for specialized treatment.

Nerves can sustain irreparable damage.

The median nerve is the primary muscle that’s affected by carpal tunnel syndrome. The median nerve runs through the carpal tunnel connecting the hand to the forearm. If you have CTS, the carpal tunnel can become inflamed and swollen, causing the nerve to become compressed. When the nerve becomes compressed, it can sustain irreparable damage. This can affect the function of your muscles, including those in your hand. It can also result in tingling sensations and pain in the hand and fingers. If the nerve sustains long-term damage, it can severely impact your ability to perform tasks that require manual dexterity. For example, it can make it more difficult to do tasks such as typing on a keyboard, playing musical instruments, and writing. It can also impact your ability to grip and handle items with your hands. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, it’s important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the median nerve.

Carpal bones become worn down by the wrist motion of typing.

As mentioned earlier, carpal tunnel syndrome can result from repetitive wrist motions. One of the most common types of work that triggers CTS is typing on a keyboard. Researchers have discovered that repetitive wrist motion can result in carpal bone degeneration. This can lead to the deterioration of the bones in the wrist. When this happens, it can be challenging to perform everyday tasks without experiencing pain and discomfort in the wrist or hand. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome and are employed in an occupation that requires typing, it’s important to take frequent breaks throughout the day. This will enable your wrist to rest, which can prevent the carpal bones from wearing down.

Tendon inflammation may lead to joint degradation and arthritis.

If you have CTS, you may experience tendon inflammation. This can result in joint degradation and arthritis. Wrist tendonitis is a condition that can develop when the muscles in the wrist are overused and injured. This can result in tendon inflammation. If you have tendon inflammation, it can lead to joint degradation. This is particularly true if you don’t address the condition early. It can take several years for the degeneration to become severe enough to cause arthritis. If you don’t treat CTS early, you could suffer from long-term pain, deformity, and joint degeneration. This can severely impact your ability to perform tasks throughout your daily life, such as lifting and gripping items.


Although carpal tunnel syndrome affects almost 10% of the working population, most cases go undiagnosed. The most common symptoms include pain and tingling in the hands, wrists, and fingers. If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to visit your doctor and request a thorough examination. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to reducing the impact of CTS on your life.

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