Chiropractic care for Golfers with back pain

Sep 16, 2020
Golfing is a sport that puts a lot of strain on the back, especially the spine. You swing several hours on the golf course every day. This form of exercise puts pressure on your back and spine. As a result, people who actively participate in this sport intermittently get benefit from a chiropractor. Chiropractors exclusively work on the back and spine regions through adjustments and manipulation.

Playing golf puts a lot of stress on your spine. Although some people have found that chiropractic treatment helps them gain greater mobility without any disease, they boost their ability to play. That’s why when your spine is aligned properly with chiropractor care, the back can move better. Golfers can also do some chiropractic exercises to prepare themselves for the game.

How Chiropractic Care Make You a Better Golfer

Many professional golfers have endured back surgery to relieve their pain. Recently, professional golfers have added chiropractors to their healthcare teams to help them avoid back surgeries and get the most out of their game. If it's useful for professionals, it's good for you too!

The Link Between Chiropractic Care and Golf

Chiropractic care can make the whole body to function optimally. Swinging a golf club requires a lot of coordination between different body parts. It's surprising how many muscles are used in a golf round. It is surprising how many muscles are used in a round of golf. If a certain area of ​​your body or muscles is not in the best condition, it might cause other parts of the body to compensate too much, which in turn leads to back pain.

The main problem that every athlete (not just golfers) will encounter is that their spinal subluxation or misalignment will affect their game. If the spine is not aligned correctly, the biomechanics will change, and the nervous system will also be affected, causing the rest of the body to suffer. Any sport with a weak spine leads to poor performance, poor posture, and more injuries.

Back Ache Is the Most Prevalent Golf Injury

According to the PGA Tour, 80% of golf injuries are related to the spine

This is probably due to the repetitive nature of golf. If a golfer swings recurrently, he is more likely to suffer from muscle strain. If there is a misalignment of the spine that affects your nervous system, the altered biomechanics will leave a major impact on your golf performance and level of pain. This is where chiropractic can help!


Golfers are often finding that chiropractic care is a valuable tool for treating back injuries. Here right away! Ways in which chiropractors can help injured golfers to get up from the couch back to the green.

  • Consistent Adjustment Can Prevent Injuries: Golf, or any other activity, is more enjoyable and reduces the chance of injury if the individual's body is at its peak and functioning normally. Periodic spinal adjustments keep the body at maximum capacity and reduce the risk of injuries. When the back and neck are well aligned - an inappropriate posture like a golf swing has less negative impact.
  • Chiropractors Visits Can Increase Mobility: Golfers who play regularly and those who play only a few times in a year acknowledge that mobility is essential for a good golf game. Not only will weak back and stiff joints disrupt golf, but they can also cause some issues that ultimately lead to injuries.
  • Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate The Pain Of Golfers: Back injuries can be very painful, and many people use painkillers to relieve pain and feel comfortable. Chiropractors help their patients reduce pain through manipulation rather than medication by treating the root cause of pain, not just the symptoms.  Generally, during certain treatments, the pain is greatly reduced and more manageable.
  • Chiropractic Care Can Heal Faster A Golf Injury: Back or neck injuries can heal faster with the help of chiropractor’s treatments. An expert chiropractor adjusts the spine as well as works on the joints and adjacent tissues - which might cause pain and impede healing. The chiropractic assessment considers the entire body. By treating the whole body, it promotes faster healing of the wound. 

A chiropractic treatment plan keeps the body relaxed, strong, and functioning in an optimal way. It prevents injuries and increases your chances of playing the game of your life.

Some Important Tips To Avoid Back Pain:

  1. Stretching the core muscles, especially the groin and hamstrings areas, help relax muscles, and improve flexibility.
  2. Set your club on your shoulders and lean left and right. This will get your back muscles ready for the swings.
  3. Get into swing mode and lean left and right. This will help loosen up muscles again.
  4. Stretch your shoulder muscles by lifting the golf club back and up.
  5. Practice swinging backward ten times. This will stretch the various muscles in the body.
  6. Don’t forget those neck muscles

If You Decide To Visit A Chiropractor

First, consult your doctor for a possible diagnosis and treatment. Ask your medical provider to suggest a good chiropractor. Find out in advance if your health insurance will cover the treatment; Medicare covers medically essential chiropractic services.

When selecting a chiropractor, find someone who:

  • Advice on workouts and home treatments
  • Diagnosis through a comprehensive physical examination and inquiry, ordering the X-rays only in certain cases
  • Willing to recommend you to a specialist when necessary

The Takeaway

Golfers should realize that sports can cause serious injuries, just like rougher sports such as - rugby and football. Stretching, staying hydrated, and avoiding overexertion before the game is a good idea.

If you are a golfer, chiropractic care is a valuable tool for maintaining health. Chiropractic treatment can sometimes help with flexibility and balance because it focuses on keeping the joints and spine healthy.  Regular manipulations and adjustments keep your body on track and provide maximum mobility at the top of the game. If you have an injury, a chiropractor can help you relieve your pain and reduce healing time.

Contact us today! Family Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being. Which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small. 

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