How To Avoid and Treat Tension Headaches: A Simple Guide

Jul 06, 2022

Tension headaches are among the most common types of headaches. They’re also one of the most difficult to identify, treat, and prevent. Tension headaches are so frequent that people often assume they’re normal or even necessary for staying relaxed. Fortunately, this is not the case.

One reason it can be so challenging to avoid tension headaches is that they can happen for a variety of reasons—not just from being tense.

The second major reason is that tension-type headaches tend to recur whenever you try to rid them of your symptoms through stress relief treatments like yoga or meditation. This article explains how tension headaches develop and what you can do about them. Keep reading to learn more about how to prevent these painful headaches and find relief as soon as possible if they strike you unexpectedly.

What is a tension headache?

A tension headache is a throbbing headache that occurs due to muscle spasms in the neck, shoulders, and/or back. It often feels like a band or knot is tightening around your head and neck. A tension headache is often described as “tight” or “spamming.” It can feel throbbing, like a band or band of pressure is tightening around your head and/or neck. It’s possible for a tension headache to feel almost icepick-like, though. Some people also experience a vision change, ringing in their ears, nausea, or fatigue. A tension headache is also often accompanied by insomnia, irritability, and a loss of appetite.

Tension headaches and their causes

A tension headache is a result of muscle spasms and pain in the neck and shoulders. This can be caused by tension in the neck and/or shoulders, anxiety, stress, poor posture, an injury, or a muscle imbalance. Common causes of a tension headache include stress, anxiety, and muscle imbalances. Sometimes, a tension headache is brought on by an injury, as a result of how you’re holding or lifting something.

Treatment of tension headaches and prevention

Tension headaches can be very frustrating to treat since they tend to recur whenever you try to rid yourself of the symptoms through stress relief treatments like yoga or meditation. The good news is that you can prevent tension headaches and reduce the number of headaches you experience. The following tips can help you reduce your chances of experiencing a tension headache: -

-Avoid stress. Avoid increasing your stress level by doing too many things at once, getting frustrated when you can’t do everything on your to-do list all at once, or feeling overwhelmed by how much you have to do.

- Keep stress. Relieving activities like yoga and meditation as part of your daily routine. This will help you stay relaxed when you’re experiencing stress. - If you’re prone to anxiety, learn healthy ways to cope with it.

- Maintain good posture. Bad posture can lead to tension headaches, and you can tell if you have bad posture by looking at yourself in the mirror.

- Avoid lifting heavy objects. If you’re prone to experiencing tension headaches, avoid lifting heavy objects when you need to clean, clean your house, or perform any other household tasks.

- Practice good ergonomic work habits. This means avoiding repetitive work tasks and performing them in a way that doesn’t put too much stress on your body. For example, while washing your dishes is helpful, it can also put stress on your shoulder muscles.

- Avoid excessively spicy and fatty foods, as these can lead to a buildup of lactic acid in your body.

- Drink enough water to stay hydrated.

6 Tips to Avoid a Tension Headache

- Don’t wait until you’re experiencing a headache to start relaxing. This won’t work. Instead, keep your mind and body relaxed as much as possible when you’re not experiencing pain.

- Don’t rush through relaxation or meditation techniques. If you rush through them, you’re probably not giving them a chance to work.

- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re having trouble relaxing, a therapist or counselor can help you.

- Don’t eat or drink anything that’s going to cause a headache.

- Don’t hit or punch something when you’re feeling frustrated. This will only increase your stress and tension.

- Don’t hold in or suppress your emotions.


When you have a tension headache, many things can cause your muscles to tighten up in your neck and shoulders. In most cases, the cause of a tension headache is stress, anxiety, or a muscle imbalance. Tension headaches can be prevented by keeping your stress level down, maintaining good posture, avoiding repetitive work tasks, and following a healthy diet. You can also prevent a tension headache by taking breaks when you’re on your feet for too long. To treat a tension headache, try relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises or visualization. You can also treat a headache by drinking plenty of water, eating a carbohydrate-rich snack, applying an over-the-counter pain reliever, or taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine.

If you don’t have an amazing chiropractor Contact us todayFamily Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being, which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small.

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