How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Weight Loss

Jul 20, 2022

Did you know that your nervous system plays a role in your ability to lose weight? If you’re struggling with your weight, it might have something to do with the fact that your nervous system isn’t working optimally. It might also have to do with the fact that how your body processes food has a lot to do with how much energy you consume and how much energy you expend. Chiropractic care can help with weight loss by helping to optimize the functioning of these systems. Let’s take a look at some examples of what this looks like in practice.

What Does Optimal Nervous System Functioning Look Like in Practice?

For your nervous system to work optimally, you need to have the right amount of nerves (and the right kind of nerves) in the right places. This includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. If any of these nerves is either too short, too long, or not in the right place, you won’t be able to function optimally. If you suffer from excessive nerve interference, you might be able to lose weight, but you’re also likely to experience a lot of discomforts, hunger, and reduced ability to enjoy your food. This is a scenario that can lead to unhealthy yo-yo dieting and the loss of any progress you’ve made.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Weight Loss

As we’ve discussed, proper functioning of the nervous system is extremely important for weight loss. To accomplish this, however, we must optimize all of the right nerves, including the ones in the GI tract. Unfortunately, many people are also lacking the right type of nerves in the GI tract, and this can lead to nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, and other health issues. Chiropractic care can address many of these issues. Through adjustments in the spine, chiropractors can help to improve nerve function and reduce pain and inflammation in the pelvic, back, and other areas. In turn, this can lead to increased nerve function and significantly improved digestion, providing the nutrients that your body needs for optimal weight loss.

Some Key Components of Optimal Nervous System Functioning

- Proper functioning of the nervous system. - This includes the nerves in the pelvic and back areas, as well as the brain and spinal cord. The proper function of these nerves is essential for optimal weight loss.

- Proper functioning of the digestive tract. - This is particularly important for weight loss, as proper digestion of food is essential for proper nutrient intake.

- Proper endocrine function. - This refers to the hormone systems that regulate your metabolism and energy expenditure. Impairment of these systems can lead to weight gain and poorer weight loss outcomes.

- Proper immune function - This is particularly important for those who are attempting to lose weight, as it allows you to better deal with the stress and injury associated with exercise.

How Chiropractic Care Can Motivate Weight Loss

The best way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. This is why so many diets revolve around calorie restriction and exercise. When, however, your nervous system isn’t functioning optimally, you’re not likely to be able to accomplish this. Chiropractic care, on the other hand, can provide several benefits that can help you to better lose weight, including:

- Better digestion - Proper digestion of food is essential for weight loss. It can help to reduce bloat and improve nutrient absorption, allowing you to better metabolize calories and reach your weight loss goals.

- Better hormone regulation - Impairment of the endocrine and immune systems can increase your risk of conditions like autoimmune disease, cancer, and other health issues. Directing more energy toward healing, however, can help you to better lose weight.

- Better nerve function - Improving nerve function can lead to better weight loss outcomes. It can also help to reduce pain and inflammation, allowing you to better participate in your daily activities.

- Better mood regulation. - It can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook when you’re struggling to lose weight. Chiropractic care can help to regulate your mood and prevent negative thought patterns from consuming your mind.


Chiropractic care has been shown to improve the function of the nervous system, which can significantly improve digestion and nutrient absorption. It can also improve nerve function and reduce inflammation, leading to better weight loss outcomes. However, we should note that this care alone isn’t enough to optimize all of these functions. This can lead to some shortcomings when it comes to weight loss, such as impaired digestion, impaired endocrine and immune function, and impaired nerve function.

If you don’t have an amazing chiropractor Contact us todayFamily Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being, which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small.

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