What to Expect When You Visit Your First Chiropractor

Jul 22, 2022

When you first start seeing a chiropractor, it might feel like a bit of an interview. You’ll be asked about your symptoms, your medical history, and any medications you take. You might even get asked if you have any allergies that could be affecting your health. But no matter how weird it seems at first, talking with your new chiropractor is crucial for understanding why they’re helping you. Chiropractic care works by correcting the alignment of your vertebrae so that the nerve impulses sent by your brain to your limbs can travel freely again. As a result, it has lots of benefits for people of all ages. Even in its most basic form, regular chiropractic care can help relieve pain and improve other aspects of your health - from sleeping better to having more energy and feeling happier. But when you visit the first chiropractic clinic, there are likely some surprises as well. Here’s -what you can expect:

What happens when you first visit your chiropractor?

When you visit your first chiropractor, you’ll likely have a physical exam first. During your exam, your doctor will check your medical history, your current condition, and any medications you’re taking. They’ll also check your neurological status and try to determine the source of your pain. Depending on your condition, your doctor might recommend certain lab tests or imaging scans. Your doctor might also recommend a basic exam of your nervous system, called a nerve exam. This is a simple test to check if your nervous system is healthy and working normally. This might include checking your reflexes and sensation to see if they’re normal, or checking your nerve conduction velocity, or NCV, to see if you’re at risk of developing nerve problems in the future.

You’ll likely have a physical exam

Chiropractors usually conduct a thorough physical exam to check your nervous system, muscles, bones, and joints. They might also check your digestion, respiratory status, and urinary tract. Doctors will typically be extra thorough during your first visit to make sure there are no issues that might be causing your pain. And if there are, they can take care of them right away. Your doctor might use various tools to do this, including:

- A checklist. This might be used to quickly look over your vital signs, your muscular strength, and your range of motion in certain joints, called the range of motion (ROM).

- A posture analysis. This might be used to check your posture while you’re sitting and standing, or while you’re lying in bed. It might also include checking your breathing. - An exam table. This might be used to help the doctor visualize your spine.

- A stethoscope. This machine can be used to hear sounds that your doctor can use to check your respiratory status.

- A computerized machine. This can be used to do imaging scans and provide your doctor with a quick overview of how you’re structurally and neurologically.

You may get adjusted

The final part of the exam is likely some type of ROM assessment or adjustment. This will vary from doctor to doctor, and it might be something as simple as gently pushing on a nerve while you’re lying on the exam table. Adjustments can be very gentle and quick, or they can be more intense and last a few seconds. They might help to relieve pain and improve your ROM, or they might help to improve your posture and breathing. The type of adjustment your doctor uses depends on the state of your joints and how they’re positioned in your body. Your doctor might use:

- Passive techniques. This is when you move and the doctor stays still, using techniques such as joint distraction and joint manipulation.

- Active techniques. This is when you move, and the doctor counters your movement, using techniques such as joint mobilization and joint injection.

After the initial treatment, you’ll work together to come up with a treatment plan.

After your exam, your doctor will likely discuss your findings with you and come up with a treatment plan to improve your health. Depending on your condition and symptoms, this might include spinal adjustments, yoga, massage therapy, lifestyle changes, or a combination of these. You’ll be able to help decide where to start by talking with your doctor. This might be especially useful if you’re not sure what’s causing your pain or just need some guidance.

You’ll probably end up seeing your chiropractor every week or two for a while.

Chiropractic care is generally aimed at addressing the cause of your pain, rather than just treating the pain itself. As a result, your treatment might be adjusted or adjusted and modified as your health changes. For this reason, most people get adjusted once or twice a week for about a month. It can take longer for some people, or it might be a lot easier for others. If your pain improves, you might be able to reduce the frequency of your visits. Your doctor might also recommend a break in between treatments if you feel better after a few weeks or months.

The most common maintenance visits are at 2-4 weeks and 6-8 weeks after you first visit.

After your first visit, you can expect to visit your chiropractor at least once every two weeks. In most cases, you’ll visit them once every two weeks after that, too. Your regular visits might change based on how your health changes. For example, if you start experiencing pain more often, you might visit more often. And if your health improves, you might need fewer visits as well. During these visits, your doctor will check your symptoms and assess them to help them come up with a maintenance plan. This might include doing an exam, looking at your ROM, or doing a quick assessment of your nervous system.

You might also be asked to attend lectures and workshops. These are especially useful if you want to learn more about chiropractic care.

Many chiropractors also offer educational lectures, which are great ways to learn more about chiropractic care and other topics. These might include lectures on nutrition, lifestyle changes, or managing pain. You might also attend workshops, which can be geared towards helping you improve your health, from improving your posture or posture-related workouts to improving your mood and relationships.

The Bottom Line

Chiropractors are here to help you, no matter what stage of life you’re in. They can help everyone, even if you’re healthy enough that you don’t need them. If you’re experiencing pain or just need to improve your health and wellbeing, they can help. There are many different ways to get chiropractic care, including visiting a traditional chiropractor, getting adjusted by a chiropractic assistant, or even getting adjusted digitally. Which ever method you prefer, make sure you’re seeing a chiropractor who can help you reach your health goals.

If you don’t have an amazing chiropractor Contact us todayFamily Chiropractic Plus is dedicated to your overall health and well-being, which is why we offer regular chiropractic adjustments in order to restore your body’s natural state of optimal health, while also providing it with the support it needs to heal from any injury, big or small.

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